Maciej Grubich är ett Lejon som tycker om att rita, dansa som en galning och spela tennis.
Born: Krakow, Poland
Date: 1992
Height: 1,87 m
Known for: New guy with cute face
How did you get discovered?
While I was in holiday, I went to Paris with my grandparents, got scouted, met people at Ford (Paris) and got signed right away
What were you doing prior to modeling?
Studying at high school. My plans is to go back to Poland and go to architectural school
Three adjectives that best describes you...
Funny, artistic and conversational
If there's a destination or item you would recommend us to check out or visit about your native country/city or town, what would you recommend?
Poland—try a Zapiekanka (Open face sandwiches) at Plac Nowy—New Square in Poland